16 位超低功耗微控制器,具有 128KB 闪存、16KB RAM、12 位 ADC、2 个 USCI 和 32 位 HW 乘法器,LQFP (PN)封装 | 80pin
The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultralow-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with extensive low-power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 5 μs.
The MSP430F543xA and MSP430F541xA series are microcontroller configurations with three 16-bit timers, a high performance 12-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, up to four universal serial communication interfaces (USCI), hardware multiplier, DMA, real-time clock module with alarm capabilities, and up to 87 I/O pins.
MSP430F5418AIPNR 功能方框图
Low Supply Voltage Range: 1.8 V to 3.6 V
Ultralow Power Consumption
Active Mode (AM):
All System Clocks Active
230 μA/MHz at 8 MHz, 3.0 V,
Flash Program Execution (Typical)
110 μA/MHz at 8 MHz, 3.0 V,
RAM Program Execution (Typical)
Standby Mode (LPM3):
Real-Time Clock With Crystal , Watchdog,
and Supply Supervisor Operational,
Full RAM Retention, Fast Wake-Up:
1.7 μA at 2.2 V, 2.1 μA at 3.0 V (Typical)
Low-Power Oscillator (VLO), General-Purpose Counter,
Watchdog, and Supply Supervisor Operational,
Full RAM Retention, Fast Wake-Up:
1.2 μA at 3.0 V (Typical)
Off Mode (LPM4):
Full RAM Retention, Supply Supervisor Operational, Fast Wake-Up:
1.2 μA at 3.0 V (Typical)
Shutdown Mode (LPM4.5):
0.1 μA at 3.0 V (Typical)
Wake-Up From Standby Mode in Less Than 5 μs
16-Bit RISC Architecture
Extended Memory
Up to 25-MHz System Clock
Flexible Power Management System
Fully Integrated LDO With Programmable Regulated Core Supply Voltage
Supply Voltage Supervision, Monitoring, and Brownout
Unified Clock System
FLL Control Loop for Frequency Stabilization
Low-Power/Low-Frequency Internal Clock Source (VLO)
Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference Source (REFO)
32-kHz Crystals
High-Frequency Crystals up to 32 MHz
16-Bit Timer TA0, Timer_A With Five Capture/Compare Registers
- MSP430F435IPNR-具有 16kB 闪存、512B RAM、12 位 ADC、USART 和 160 段 LCD 的 16 位超低功耗微处理器,LQFP (PN)封装 | 80pin
- MSP430F4250IDLR-16 位超低功耗 MCU,具有 16kB 闪存、256B RAM、16 位 Σ-Δ A/D、12 位 D/A 和 LCD 驱动器,SSOP (DL)封装 | 48pin
- MSP430F5418AIPNR 相关型号
- MSP430F1101AIDWR-16 位超低功耗微控制器,具有 1kB 闪存、128B RAM 和比较器,SOIC (DW) 封装| 20pin
- MSP430F1132IPWR-16 位超低功耗微控制器,具有 8kB 闪存、256B RAM、10 位 ADC,TSSOP (PW)封装| 20pin
- MSP430F147IPMR-16 位超低功耗微控制器,具有 32kB 闪存、1KB RAM、12 位 ADC、2 个 USART 和 HW 乘法器,LQFP (PM)封装 | 64pin
- MSP430F169IPMR-16 位超低功耗 MCU,具有 60kB 闪存、2048B RAM、12 位 ADC、双 DAC、2 个 USART、I2C、HW 乘法器和 DMA,LQFP (PM) 封装| 64pin
- MSP430F2122IPWR-16 位超低功耗微控制器,具有 4kB 闪存、512B RAM、10 位 ADC 和 USCI,TSSOP (PW)封装 | 28pin
- MSP430F2131IPWR-16 位超低功耗微控制器、8kB 闪存、256B RAM、比较器、TSSOP (PW)封装 | 20pin
- MSP430F249TPMR-16 位超低功耗微控制器,具有 60KB 闪存、2KB RAM、12 位 ADC、2 个 USCI 和 HW 乘法器,封装LQFP (PM) | 64pin
- MSP430FE425AIPMR-用于能量计的 16 位超低功耗微控制器,具有 16KB 闪存和 512B RAM,封装LQFP (PM) | 64pin
- MSP430F435IPNR-具有 16kB 闪存、512B RAM、12 位 ADC、USART 和 160 段 LCD 的 16 位超低功耗微处理器,LQFP (PN)封装 | 80pin
- MSP430G2553IPW28R-混合信号微处理器,TSSOP (PW)封装 | 28pin
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